Coping with Grief: Bargaining, Depression, and Infertility
Dr. Chamoun has been helping families achieve their dreams of successful pregnancy for years. At Viera Fertility Center, we want you to understand that you’re not walking through infertility alone and we understand the grief you experience through the journey. We want you to know that you’ll experience a range of emotions throughout the process–all working toward the joy of your long-sought precious baby!
Because infertility necessarily means grieving the loss of an effortless pregnancy, we understand that all 5 stages of grief will be a part of the process. We often see couples begin a bargaining process where they attempt to do “everything right” to get pregnant. These couples believe that if they work hard enough to get pregnant and do all the right things, they will.
Similarly, some couples experience a stage where the struggle is just too much, depression sets it, and they consider giving up. They think, “what’s the point? It’s never going to work.” At this stage, motivation is low and a person may have trouble enjoying life, eating well, or sleeping.
And while couples inevitably work through infertility together, they often experience these grief stages at different times. One partner may be anger while the other is depressed. One may be in a bargaining phase while the other is in denial. No matter where you stand on your emotional journey, Dr. Chamoun is your Melbourne IVF resource to help grow your family and achieve your dreams!