New research on time-lapse photography and embryo transfer

Dr. Chamoun and the team at Viera Fertility Center work to ensure that your Melbourne IVF treatment is successful. And researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania have now identified one potential process that will boost a woman’s chances of successful embryo implantation.

Using computer-automated, time-lapse photography of embryos in the laboratory during in-vitro fertilization may improve embryo selection, which in turn increases the rate of IVF success. The research process captured images of developing embryos during the first three days of laboratory culture, to evaluate embryos transferred into the uterine cavity of 177 patients. By evaluating the time-lapsed photos of the three-day-old embryos, doctors were able to ascertain the best candidates for IVF transfer, thus increasing the patient’s rate of successful pregnancy.

If you’re interested in Melbourne IVF to overcome infertility, Dr. Chamoun and his team at Viera Fertility Center will work with you to ensure a comprehensive treatment plan that helps achieve your family’s hopes and dreams!


Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. (2014, July 2). Computer-automated, time-lapse embryo photography may increase success of in-vitro fertilization. ScienceDaily. Retrieved August 12, 2014 from