Modern alcohol consumption leads to poorer sperm quality
When it comes to the nuance of fertility medicine, sperm quality can make the difference between a long period of “trying” or a shorter, more efficient wait for the baby of your dreams. At Viera Fertility Center, we’re your Melbourne IVF resource to work with both partners on maximizing fertility success. And it turns out that lifestyle factors have a profound impact on sperm quality. New research from the British Medical Journal indicates that moderate alcohol intake of at least 5 units every week is linked to poorer sperm quality in otherwise healthy young men.
The findings seem to compound with additional alcohol consumption. The higher the weekly tally of units of alcohol, the worse the sperm quality seems to be, prompting the researchers to suggest that young men trying to conceive should be advised to steer clear of habitual drinking.
If you have questions about sperm quality or sperm count and your chance of fertility success, contact Viera Fertility Center today!
BMJ-British Medical Journal. (2014, October 2). Moderate weekly alcohol intake linked to poorer sperm quality in healthy young men. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 7, 2014 from