Expectations When Considering Fertility Testing
Deciding to have a baby can unfortunately be a journey full of complications. If you have been trying to conceive that little bundle of joy with your partner for at least a year without a positive result, it might be time to consider fertility testing. This is especially true if you are under 35-years-old. And it’s not just the responsibility of the female partner, since it’s vital that men get tested too. You want to ideally know the full scope of the roadblocks in fertility you are dealing with so we, at the Viera Fertility Clinic, can help you overcome them in the best way possible.
At our Melbourne fertility clinic, we are experts at dealing with a couple’s infertility issues. The hopeful outcome will be that family you have always dreamed of having. If you are considering fertility testing, here are some expectations to learn about before you come to see us at our fertility clinic.
The First Steps of Evaluating Infertility
In general, infertility is judged by the inability to conceive after having intercourse for at least a year unprotected. Some fertility doctors will treat a woman who is over 35-years-old, who hasn’t conceived after six months, instead of waiting the full year. That is mainly due to the fact that fertility is a time-sensitive issue after a certain age. It’s better to start fertility testing and treatment as soon as possible.
The first step to evaluating infertility at Viera Fertility Clinic is to do a complete medical history of both partners, including reproductive history and family health indicators that make it more difficult for you to conceive.
The Male Fertility Test
In looking at male fertility first, we will do a semen analysis test. All this requires is for the man to give a sample of his sperm at our clinic. The sample is then sent to the lab for evaluation of the quality of the sperm. This includes motility, total sperm count, and the ratio of normal to abnormal sperm. The sample is also subjected to hormonal and genetic evaluation. If there is a concern from the test which leads us to believe that there are problems, we’ll refer you to a urology doctor that has a specialty in male fertility issues. They might need to do further testing, exams, or procedures to solve the issue.
What to Expect as a Woman During Fertility Testing
The testing that a woman undergoes for fertility is more extensive. There are simply more areas of the female reproductive system that need to be evaluated with proper fertility testing. First, we’ll start with a simple blood workup. These tests will tell us about how your hormone levels are doing and whether you are ovulating each month on a regular cycle.
Next, we’ll move on to doing a physical examination which will include the pelvic area, ovaries, and uterus. An ultrasound may also be employed for a more complete diagnosis of all the female’s reproductive organs.
Another test which we may do is an HSG (hysterosalpingogram). This type of test is an outpatient radiology procedure. The test will look for deeper problems in the uterus and will determine the health of your fallopian tubes, and whether there are any blockages to be concerned with.
Finding the Fertility Issue Is Our Main Goal
Sometimes, in women, not all of these tests are used. If the problem is found easily and focused on, then we can begin to find solutions. If you are concerned about your inability to conceive, feel free to contact us and schedule a consultation at your earliest convenience.
We know this can be a sensitive issue to go through. Our staff is happy to help you with the process in the most seamless and caring way possible. Our state-of-the-art care will have you on the path to getting the family you’ve always wanted. Above all in expectations, you and your partner can expect to be treated with the utmost respect and concern during this important part of your journey to conceive at Viera Fertility Clinic.