When Should You Consider a Fertility Evaluation?
Deciding to start trying for a baby can fill you with many emotions, including joy and excitement for the future. But those positive feelings can quickly turn to anxiety and worry if you are unable to conceive a child. When this happens, you may wonder if you should continue being patient and trying on your own or if you should seek a fertility evaluation. Here are some reasons to consider scheduling an appointment for an evaluation.
You Are Under the Age of 35 and Have Been Trying to Conceive For Over a Year
Most experts recommend waiting for a year to visit a fertility doctor if you are under the age of 35 and otherwise in good health. As a general rule of thumb, you should try to conceive for about six months on your own. If you have not conceived on your own after six months, it is recommended that you take the time to start tracking your cycle and using tools to let you know when you are ovulating.
You Are Over the Age of 35 and Have Been Trying to Conceive For Six Months or Longer
If you are over the age of 35 and looking to conceive, fertility doctors recommend that you start to learn your cycle and find out when you are ovulating right from the beginning. This ensures that you are having sex on your fertile days. It is recommended that you do this for six months. If you are not successful at conceiving a child after six months, you should schedule an appointment with a fertility doctor.
You Are Over the Age of 40
By the time women turn 40, their egg count has significantly diminished and their hormone levels may be changing. It can be much harder to naturally conceive after the age of 40. As such, if you are looking to conceive a child and you are 40 or older, it is recommended that you make an appointment with a fertility specialist right away.
You Have Had Two or More Miscarriages
It is estimated that up to 20 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. In some cases, there is simply no known reason why the miscarriage occurred. However, if you have had two or more miscarriages, it is recommended that you have a fertility evaluation completed. In some cases, there may be an underlying cause that is causing the miscarriages. A fertility specialist may be able to help you conceive and increase your chances of carrying your baby to term.
You Have Experienced Cancer Treatment
Cancer treatments can negatively affect fertility. If you have recently been diagnosed with cancer, and want children in the future, it is recommended that you schedule an appointment with a fertility specialist. The doctor can work with you to best preserve your fertility over the course of your cancer treatment.
You Have a Thyroid Condition
If you have a thyroid condition, you will want to seek treatment from a fertility specialist. Thyroid problems can affect ovulation and your menstrual cycle. It is important that you get the condition treated and under control. A fertility specialist can help get the condition under control and monitor your hormone levels, giving you the best possible chance at conceiving a child.
Start Your Journey With Us
If you are trying to conceive and are over the age of 40, have been trying to conceive for some time, have had two or more miscarriages, are a cancer survivor or have a thyroid condition, you will want to schedule an appointment for a fertility test. That is the best way to determine whether treatment is necessary. Here at Viera Fertility Center, located in Viera, Florida, we specialize in personalized reproductive medicine. Let us help give you the best possible chance to conceive a baby.